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Cargo escort prevents theft and damage of goods, and is also the most reliable means of monitoring of compliance with the specifications of its transportation. The Russian Transport Lines company offers freight forwarding and cargo security services along the entire route.

Along with traditional methods, we widely use electronic means of monitoring the state of cargo and rolling stock. High-tech devices and equipment allow us to receive information about the cargo in real time, so we can provide the customer the information on the location and condition of the cargo at any time.


Customs declaration

Customs declaration is the document containing data on goods and assets that are transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation. The list of goods to be declared also includes vehicles. In addition to the list of goods the customs declaration should include the purpose of moving across the customs border of the Russian Federation or changes in the customs regime (if the customs transit is interrupted). The customs declaration shall indicate the information required for clearance, customs statistics and the calculation of customs duties. The Russian Transport Lines company will help you to draw up a customs declaration in accordance with the existing procedure and the current Customs Code of the Russian Federation.


Domestic Customs Transit

The escort of goods within the customs territory of the Russian Federation and the execution of internal customs transit according to all the rules and in accordance with the current legislation is an important part of our work. Due to the registration of internal customs transit, customs clearance of your cargo will be carried out at the place of registration of your company as a participant of foreign economic activity at the customs terminal closest to the destination of the cargo.


International Customs Transit

Our specialists provide unimpeded prompt crossing of the state customs territory of any country along the route of the client’s cargo. We are well aware of all the subtleties and nuances of the customs legislation of most countries of the world, therefore we guarantee the successful execution of international customs transit, as well as the earliest receipt of the necessary permits from the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and other countries. We provide clearance of international customs transit for all types of goods allowed for movement across the customs borders of Russia and other countries.