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We hereby inform that, in accordance with Order No. 207 of 15.06.2017 "On railway stations of the Moscow Railway - branch of JSC Russian Railways":

Art. Moscow - Commodity - Paveletskaya will be closed on June 29, 2017.

All containers that are on the way and have not yet arrived at the station Moscow - Tovarnaya - Paveletskaya, as well as issued by railway but have not yet been shipped - will be accepted and credited to the destination station on a scheduled basis.

At the moment, the following trains will be shipped from the port territory to the station. The Moscow node - Khovrino, Kupavna and st. Vorsino. We ask you to take into account that the level of rates for the organization of door delivery from other stations will be changed.

For all questions regarding this information and the calculation of rates, please contact the e-mail addresses of RTL's employees and call 8 (4236) 665-040, 665-857, 665-233, 665-838.