From October 1, 2011. in order to optimize the process of importation / exportation of containers by road, Ltd. "FAC" put in the work of the new software, due to be used for auto-scheduling of visits by time intervals (time-slotirovanie).
Due to the fact that the application for Delivery by truck is possible only after the release of TBG by truck containers within 1-2 days from the territory of Ltd. "FAC" virtually be impossible, because priority placed orders for this program is 4-5 days.
Based on the foregoing, please note that the storage containers on the Company "FAC" is calculated on the date of shipment from the terminal on transport. Costs of storage Artist (RTL) will perevystavlyat client / customer upon receipt of invoices from the FAC (reimbursable) under the terms of the Agreement with LLC "VSC" and agreed on the feasibility and applications.