This is to inform that the terminals and the East port Vladivostok modified timing calculation process of accumulation and storage containers arriving:
- terminal LLC VSK (Vostochny port) - the term of technological accumulation on loaded containers of export direction to the sea , arrived at the terminal from 20/12/2018. 10.01.2019 will be calculated from 11.01.2019g. ;
- terminal of Pacific LLC Logistics "( Vladivostok) - for all export and import containers arriving w them to the terminal during the period from 15.12.2018g. on 13.01.2019 14.0 1 .2019 will be considered the first day of storage ;
- Terminal LLC "VMKT" (Vladivostok) - for all containers and cargo arriving in the period from 17.12.2018g. on 13.01.2019 The first day of storage will be considered 01/14/2019;
- Terminal of PJSC "VMPP" (Vladivostok) - for all containers and cargo arriving in the period from 12/28/2018. on 04/01/2019 The first day of storage will be considered 01/05/2019.
For all questions regarding this information, please contact the email addresses of the employees of LLC “RTL” and Phone 8 (4236) 665-040, 665-857, 665-233, 665-838.